Friday 31 July 2009

"Coming my little piranha fish"

I bumped into this guy today...

Not literally but it added some meaning to the image. He did actually walk passed as Jackson and myself were eating lunch outside. I said hello and he said hello back. It stoked me out no end, bizarrely we were talking about the Cleese Basil Fawlty shirts Stu has made for the ESC this year only this morning...

Nice one for the stickers Stu. That is my favourite celebrity sighting to date, no question. Those of you planning to buy a candle after picking up a board this weekend need not run round the corner these just showed up...

Slugger in the house. Deathwish and Shake Junt sunglasses should hit the site for the weekend too. We got some new Stereo wood through the door...

Yes Benny! Here's today's Mathieson likeness...

Everybody loves Stella. Here's Henry Kingsford's picture from the SB show with a new dog collar...

and another Mathieson likeness of her and Joey...

She's all over the coming Palace boards also. Two of those bad boys are being test driven as I type. Here's a sneak peek...

Check back in two weeks for Palace product! See you over the Weekend

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