Sunday 28 November 2010

Lot on

It's been a hectic week. Alongside some very busy days in Slam I spent a day and an evening this week getting in and getting out this new Jasmin Vardimon production...

One main feature was a huge watchtower representing a concentration camp which took less time taking down than putting up. It's not only myself that's been busy.
has made a sick edit which I hope you just clicked and checked out. So has this guy...

His has a slightly different theme...

It had me laughing out loud. Also batch number one of a new product to hit the street is currently in production. You won't need to scuttle around the Baltimore corners for this though. Slam City Skates will be the proud stockists of Neil Smith's new line in wax...

My guess is that Captain's wax will be facilitating ledgicalism around the streets of London within a week!

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